воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

School Education in Britain and the USA. QUESTIONS

1.       State - Preschool education (nursery school or playschool); primary education (infant, junior schools); secondary education (grammar, comprehensive, high schools); sixth form.

Public – independent (fee-paying).

2.       Children start school at the age of 5 and they leave school at the age of 16

3.       Depending on where they live, children may go to an infant school from age 5 to 7 and then a junior school until they are 11. Others attend a primary school from age 5 to 11. At 11 children begin their secondary education. They go to a grammar school, comprehensive school or high school, depending on their ability, their parents’ wishes, and what schools there are nearby. Some students leave school at 16 but many stay on for a further two years in the ‘sixth form’.

4.       The progress of pupils at primary schools is tested by their teacher through standard assessment tests (SATs) (at the ages of 7 / 11). Pupils at secondary schools take SAT at 14, and GCSE at 16.

5.       Yes, they do. Students who hope to go to university stay on at school or go to a sixth-form college to study for A-levels in two, three or four subjects.

6.       Yes, in the UK there is The National Curricular.

7.       I should take 12 years.

8.        These schools should concentrate on excellent results, extensive knowledge, and norms of behavior.

9.       If you don’t want to continue you education, the entrance exams can be abandoned.

10.   Qualified teachers, compulsory and useful subjects, optional subjects (cultural and religious subjects, norms of etiquette, etc.)

11.   I think, the purpose of elite school education is to provide students with deserved future career.

12.   English, Maths, The Humanities, History, Geography, Foreign language, Art, should be compulsory; Music, Modern technologies, PE should be optional.

13.   In Russia at private schools there are four forms; a foreign language is studied from the second class; the subjects are the same (except national language  - Russian).

14.   A problem pupil is someone who has difficulties in studying, behavior and relationships with teachers and schoolmates.

15.   A good teacher is qualified, intelligent, kind and hard-working.

16.   Looking back on my school days, I can describe memorable experiences.

17.    I always feel horribly, awfully and exciting.

18.   It’s a well-known fact that written exams are easier to pass.

19.   No, I like to be in the middle.

20.   Yes, I use them only because not to do the mistakes and misprints.

21.   Yes, I feel uncomfortable as it prevents me to concentrate.

22.   If a person can use cribs insensibly and competently he may use it.

23.   Of course! I always panic during all my exams.

24.   Yes, I do. But only on conditions that you are sure that your schoolmate has done all correctly.

25.   The most difficult thing about exams is to cope with nervousness.

26.   It is more interesting to study at mixed schools but at the same time, I thing better education is received at single-sex schools.

27.   Yes, it is. They have a chance to learn what they want.

28.   At the age of 6. It is optimum age, as at this age they are able to learn and perceive smth new.

29.   No, they should advance the frontiers of their knowledge.

30.   Yes, as it is important to realize that all consider your opinion.

31.   They are necessary as only with their help, the level of student’s knowledge and their result can be controlled.

32.   Computers help us, students to find necessary information, and only to study well.

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