“The Ron
Clark Story” is a 2006 television, comedy film, based on the real educator Ron
Clark. The film is directed by Randa Haines, starring Metthew Perry and Ernie
Hudson. The events take place in New York, in a New York City public school.
And now,
let’s pass on to the plot. A beginner teacher Ron Clark left his native town
North Carolina to teach in New York, in a New York City public school. The
director offered him to be a form-master of a backward, uncontrollable class of
difficult children. In order to wear children out and improve their results, he
contrived special rules of behavior and communication, involved the innovations
of teaching and tried to solve all family problems and difficulties which
prevented them to study well. He helped to discover children’s abilities of a
penchant for graffiti, medical science, maths and many others. He was the only
person, who not only prepared them for the state exams, but also believed in
them. And in the end, Mr. Clark's class got the highest average in the state
and he was regarded by his students as their best teacher.
on acting of this film, I’m deeply impressed by Metthew Perry. I’ve watched
some films with this actor (“Friends”, “Fools Rush In”) but I couldn’t even
suppose that the role of a young teacher would be acted so sincerely, keenly
and perfectly. Besides, I can’t but mention another actor Ernie Hudson. On the
one hand, his character - the principal is harsh, serious and strict, but on
the other hand, he is a man with an open, sincere heart. To combine these
opposite features is rather difficult, I think. And of course, children have
conquered me completely. They all are perfect and persuasive.
As for the
directing, I can say that it meets the requirements and norms. The main theme
of the film is difficult children in the sphere of schooling. The director
shows all that can be connected with it (New York public school, their way of
spending time, the teaching process. Besides, in spite of the fact that this
film is not filled with special effects we all used to, I was watching it with
great pleasure. Thanks to the director.
conclusion, I’d like to underline again that I’m really impressed by this film,
this masterpiece. It’s not only an amusement, but also the teacher’s guide. Ron
Clark is an example to follow for us-future teachers and for those “teachers”
who are already tied of their work. Besides, I’d like to mention about the
tagline of the film: “No one believed in them. Except him.” This quotation
reveals the whole story. Clark was the only person, who not only prepared them
for the state exams, but also believed in them, supported and helped them in
any life situation. For his belief and trust he has got children’s love, good
results and the status of their best teacher.
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