понедельник, 4 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Works 3.3 / 3.4

Laboratory Work 3.3

1. There is a great amount of reasons why students stay away from school. It may be:

1.       problems with teachers and schoolmates;

2.       difficulties with studies and failure to cope with the existing situation;

3.       disinterestedness in schooling;

4.       the lack of support and praise from parents;

5.       family problems: they prevent students to concentrate on their studies;

6.       influence of friends: in order not to be the rare avis they are ready to do all their pseudo friends dictate.



1.       b

2.       c

3.       a

4.       b

5.       c

6.       c

7.       b


3. Undoubtedly, one of the most effective things in combating truancy is introduction of more interesting lessons. When children are interested in any subject, they will make effort to get to know rather more. And of course, their results will improve. Besides, if parents are more responsible and more attentive to their children and instill love to school in them, children will be more disciplined, more hard-working and they will follow the lead of their beloved parents. But police involvement and strict punishment only repulse students to study well.


Laboratory work 3.4

1.     It is the conversation between Emmy and Martin. Emmy tries to choose the best variant for her study: state school or public school.  They are discussing advantages and disadvantages of these schools.

·         Cost.

State school is free.

Public school is rather expensive.

·         Quality of education.

In spite of the fact, that public schools are expensive, the quality of education is more qualitative.  The instructors and facilities are better at public schools.

Besides, at state schools there is a mix of students. On the contrary, only rich students attend public schools. They both think that it would be better and more interesting to study with different types of people.

·         Increased life chances.

A great advantage of public school is the connections you may make, as people may help you to get a prestigious job. Public schools give really good opportunities to find a good job.


For me, the factor of increased life chances is more important in the choice of the education. My education should help me in my future life, but not prevent.


2.     The question of uniforms is still argued and discussed among teachers and students. There are a lot of arguments against and in favour of uniform. Students protest against school uniform as they want to have more freedom. They want to be individual. Teachers say that free style makes it difficult for children to concentrate on their classes. Teachers are sure that pupils should think only about their studies but not about their appearance. In my opinion, school uniform in the other reason not to like school on the whole. At first sight, any school is a set of prohibitions. And no wonder that children haven’t got any desire to go to school. Of course, some rules of dress code should be presented. But the idea of an identical school uniform is unnecessary.

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