воскресенье, 24 ноября 2013 г.

Film Review 2

Dangerous Minds is a 1995 American drama film directed by John N. Smith, produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, and starring Michelle Pfeiffer. It is based on the autobiography My Posse Don't Do Homework by former U.S. Marine LouAnne Johnson. The events take place in California, at Parkmont High School.
And now, let’s pass on to the plot. Marine LouAnne Johnson got the position of the teacher at Parkmont High School. She was surprised that the place was offered so quickly, but she didn’t pay much attention to it. It turned out, that she had to teach lower-class, rude and ill-bred teenagers, with gangster background, and criminal present, connected with drugs, murders and warfare. In order to attract their attention, she wore jeans and leather jacket, she teached them karate, she used clear language for students and she tried to introduce poetry to them. Particular individual students attracted LouAnne's attention for their personal problems. E.x. Callie Roberts was pregnant and had to give up her education, but LouAnne got family and the government to take part in the girl’s life.  At the end of the year, she announced that she stopped teaching, but having heard disapproving exclamations, she decided to stay.
Focusing on acting of this film, I’m deeply impressed by the actress Michelle Johnson. It’s a usual situation, when in order to forget betrayal or faithlessness; we are absorbed in our work. And the main character of this film is no exception. And in such situation, she was not only a well-deserved woman, but also a professional teacher. And of course, children have conquered me completely. They all are perfect and persuasive.
As for the directing, I can say that it meets the requirements and norms. The main theme of the film is difficult children in the sphere of schooling. The director shows all that can be connected with it (class of teenagers with divergent behavior, their way of spending time, the teaching process, criminal affairs in which they were involved. Besides, in spite of the fact that this film is not filled with special effects we all used to, I was watching it with great pleasure. Thanks to the director.
In conclusion, I’d like to underline again that I’m really impressed by this film. It’s not only an amusement, but also the teacher’s guide. Marine LouAnne Johnson is an example to follow for us-future teachers and for those “teachers” who are already tied of their work. Besides, I can’t but mention, that she changed the lives of her students exactly. Before her appearance they saw only cruelty, indifference, and negative around themselves. They needed the person who would be ready to cope with all their difficulties and to point the correct way. That person was LouAnne. It was she, who helped them to solve some life problems, who improved their school results and who became a real friend for each of them.

воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

Film Review

“The Ron Clark Story” is a 2006 television, comedy film, based on the real educator Ron Clark. The film is directed by Randa Haines, starring Metthew Perry and Ernie Hudson. The events take place in New York, in a New York City public school.
And now, let’s pass on to the plot. A beginner teacher Ron Clark left his native town North Carolina to teach in New York, in a New York City public school. The director offered him to be a form-master of a backward, uncontrollable class of difficult children. In order to wear children out and improve their results, he contrived special rules of behavior and communication, involved the innovations of teaching and tried to solve all family problems and difficulties which prevented them to study well. He helped to discover children’s abilities of a penchant for graffiti, medical science, maths and many others. He was the only person, who not only prepared them for the state exams, but also believed in them. And in the end, Mr. Clark's class got the highest average in the state and he was regarded by his students as their best teacher.
Focusing on acting of this film, I’m deeply impressed by Metthew Perry. I’ve watched some films with this actor (“Friends”, “Fools Rush In”) but I couldn’t even suppose that the role of a young teacher would be acted so sincerely, keenly and perfectly. Besides, I can’t but mention another actor Ernie Hudson. On the one hand, his character - the principal is harsh, serious and strict, but on the other hand, he is a man with an open, sincere heart. To combine these opposite features is rather difficult, I think. And of course, children have conquered me completely. They all are perfect and persuasive.
As for the directing, I can say that it meets the requirements and norms. The main theme of the film is difficult children in the sphere of schooling. The director shows all that can be connected with it (New York public school, their way of spending time, the teaching process. Besides, in spite of the fact that this film is not filled with special effects we all used to, I was watching it with great pleasure. Thanks to the director.
In conclusion, I’d like to underline again that I’m really impressed by this film, this masterpiece. It’s not only an amusement, but also the teacher’s guide. Ron Clark is an example to follow for us-future teachers and for those “teachers” who are already tied of their work. Besides, I’d like to mention about the tagline of the film: “No one believed in them. Except him.” This quotation reveals the whole story. Clark was the only person, who not only prepared them for the state exams, but also believed in them, supported and helped them in any life situation. For his belief and trust he has got children’s love, good results and the status of their best teacher.

воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

School Education in Britain and the USA. QUESTIONS

1.       State - Preschool education (nursery school or playschool); primary education (infant, junior schools); secondary education (grammar, comprehensive, high schools); sixth form.

Public – independent (fee-paying).

2.       Children start school at the age of 5 and they leave school at the age of 16

3.       Depending on where they live, children may go to an infant school from age 5 to 7 and then a junior school until they are 11. Others attend a primary school from age 5 to 11. At 11 children begin their secondary education. They go to a grammar school, comprehensive school or high school, depending on their ability, their parents’ wishes, and what schools there are nearby. Some students leave school at 16 but many stay on for a further two years in the ‘sixth form’.

4.       The progress of pupils at primary schools is tested by their teacher through standard assessment tests (SATs) (at the ages of 7 / 11). Pupils at secondary schools take SAT at 14, and GCSE at 16.

5.       Yes, they do. Students who hope to go to university stay on at school or go to a sixth-form college to study for A-levels in two, three or four subjects.

6.       Yes, in the UK there is The National Curricular.

7.       I should take 12 years.

8.        These schools should concentrate on excellent results, extensive knowledge, and norms of behavior.

9.       If you don’t want to continue you education, the entrance exams can be abandoned.

10.   Qualified teachers, compulsory and useful subjects, optional subjects (cultural and religious subjects, norms of etiquette, etc.)

11.   I think, the purpose of elite school education is to provide students with deserved future career.

12.   English, Maths, The Humanities, History, Geography, Foreign language, Art, should be compulsory; Music, Modern technologies, PE should be optional.

13.   In Russia at private schools there are four forms; a foreign language is studied from the second class; the subjects are the same (except national language  - Russian).

14.   A problem pupil is someone who has difficulties in studying, behavior and relationships with teachers and schoolmates.

15.   A good teacher is qualified, intelligent, kind and hard-working.

16.   Looking back on my school days, I can describe memorable experiences.

17.    I always feel horribly, awfully and exciting.

18.   It’s a well-known fact that written exams are easier to pass.

19.   No, I like to be in the middle.

20.   Yes, I use them only because not to do the mistakes and misprints.

21.   Yes, I feel uncomfortable as it prevents me to concentrate.

22.   If a person can use cribs insensibly and competently he may use it.

23.   Of course! I always panic during all my exams.

24.   Yes, I do. But only on conditions that you are sure that your schoolmate has done all correctly.

25.   The most difficult thing about exams is to cope with nervousness.

26.   It is more interesting to study at mixed schools but at the same time, I thing better education is received at single-sex schools.

27.   Yes, it is. They have a chance to learn what they want.

28.   At the age of 6. It is optimum age, as at this age they are able to learn and perceive smth new.

29.   No, they should advance the frontiers of their knowledge.

30.   Yes, as it is important to realize that all consider your opinion.

31.   They are necessary as only with their help, the level of student’s knowledge and their result can be controlled.

32.   Computers help us, students to find necessary information, and only to study well.

понедельник, 4 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Works 3.3 / 3.4

Laboratory Work 3.3

1. There is a great amount of reasons why students stay away from school. It may be:

1.       problems with teachers and schoolmates;

2.       difficulties with studies and failure to cope with the existing situation;

3.       disinterestedness in schooling;

4.       the lack of support and praise from parents;

5.       family problems: they prevent students to concentrate on their studies;

6.       influence of friends: in order not to be the rare avis they are ready to do all their pseudo friends dictate.



1.       b

2.       c

3.       a

4.       b

5.       c

6.       c

7.       b


3. Undoubtedly, one of the most effective things in combating truancy is introduction of more interesting lessons. When children are interested in any subject, they will make effort to get to know rather more. And of course, their results will improve. Besides, if parents are more responsible and more attentive to their children and instill love to school in them, children will be more disciplined, more hard-working and they will follow the lead of their beloved parents. But police involvement and strict punishment only repulse students to study well.


Laboratory work 3.4

1.     It is the conversation between Emmy and Martin. Emmy tries to choose the best variant for her study: state school or public school.  They are discussing advantages and disadvantages of these schools.

·         Cost.

State school is free.

Public school is rather expensive.

·         Quality of education.

In spite of the fact, that public schools are expensive, the quality of education is more qualitative.  The instructors and facilities are better at public schools.

Besides, at state schools there is a mix of students. On the contrary, only rich students attend public schools. They both think that it would be better and more interesting to study with different types of people.

·         Increased life chances.

A great advantage of public school is the connections you may make, as people may help you to get a prestigious job. Public schools give really good opportunities to find a good job.


For me, the factor of increased life chances is more important in the choice of the education. My education should help me in my future life, but not prevent.


2.     The question of uniforms is still argued and discussed among teachers and students. There are a lot of arguments against and in favour of uniform. Students protest against school uniform as they want to have more freedom. They want to be individual. Teachers say that free style makes it difficult for children to concentrate on their classes. Teachers are sure that pupils should think only about their studies but not about their appearance. In my opinion, school uniform in the other reason not to like school on the whole. At first sight, any school is a set of prohibitions. And no wonder that children haven’t got any desire to go to school. Of course, some rules of dress code should be presented. But the idea of an identical school uniform is unnecessary.