воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Rendering №3 ART

The article "New exhibition at Museo Picasso Málaga looks at Pablo Picasso’s earliest years as an artist" was published by All Art News on the 26th of February in 2013; Filed under Art Events & Exhibitions, Featured.
It's the link on this article http://www.allartnews.com/new-exhibition-at-museo-picasso-malaga-looks-at-pablo-picassos-earliest-years-as-an-artist/

MALAGA.- In the late 19th century, Malaga was a city full of contrasts. The enterprising spirit of the bourgeois classes had resulted in there being over 150 registered factories here in 1878. A large part of the population worked in them, with working hours of up to seventy hours a week. Described in travel books as “God’s paradise on earth”, this superbly located seaport suffered a series of natural disasters during this period that brought on an economic recession. The city tried to recover from this with new plans for urban growth and by promoting alternative forms of business.
This was the context in which Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born and spent his childhood.

It's interesting that portraits of his relations, lesson studies, bullfighting scenes, landscapes, still-lifes and copies of other artworks all bear testimony to those early years, when the young boy portrayed his home environment and the landscape around it to suit the aesthetic tastes of the city at that time.

The author underlined that the exhibition also contains 35 works by other artists such as José Denis Belgrano, Antonio Muñoz Degrain, Joaquín Martínez de la Vega, or the artist’s own father, José Ruiz Blasco, that reproduce the artistic atmosphere in Malaga at the time.

I'm impressed by this artwork, this ehibition and this article on the whole. I'm glade that in our modern society we have more and more new, interesting ehibitions and we don't forget about real masterpieces of great artists.


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