воскресенье, 24 февраля 2013 г.

Pleasure Reading 2

At the estate Manderley Mrs. de Winter met the housekeeper Mrs. Danvers, who devoted to the first  wife Rebecca of Mr. de Winter. Mrs. Danvers didn't perceive her as the mistress of the eastate, a new sweetheart of her innkeeper, and as a sincere woman. Mrs. de Winter tryed her best, but she only beat the air. However, the new Mrs. de Winter attempted to make changes at Manderley, while Mrs. Danvers was describing all the time how Rebecca had run it when she was alive. Each time Mrs. Danvers did that, she implyed that the new Mrs. de Winter lacked the experience and knowledge necessary for running an important estate. And nothing could help Mrs. de Winter to please the housekeeper.

1 комментарий:

  1. FAIR!
    At the estate OF Manderley Mrs. de Winter met the housekeeper Mrs. Danvers, who WAS devoted to Mr. de Winter'S late first wife Rebecca. Mrs. Danvers didn't TREAT her as the mistress of the estate, a new sweetheart of her master, and as a sincere woman.
