вторник, 24 июня 2014 г.


Tasks for Chapters 22 - 24

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

to make a clean breast of sth – чистосердечно признаться в чем-то
to tear sb limb from limb — перетирать кому-то кости
to give sb a peep at your feet of clay — обнаруживать перед кем-то свое слабое мето
a sleeping-draught — снотворное
to and fro — ворочаться
curtain calls — выход на поклон
pull oneself together — взять себя в руки
magnanimous — благородный
to cramp one's style — мешать кому-то
contrition — раскаяние
a succinct account of sth — краткое изложение чего-то
a bereavement — тяжелая утрата
an austere and snug little town — суровый и уютный город
to adhere to sth — сдерживать/выполнять что-то.
VII. Answer the questions: 

1. Why couldn't Julie take her troubles to Charles or Dolly as usual?
Julie couldn’t take her troubles to Charles as usual because she thought it would be cruel to tell Charles that she had given to a very ordinary young man what he would gladly have sacrificed ten years of his life for. As for Dolly, she was shocked and jealous when Julia made a clean breast of it.
2. How different was Charles's circle from that of Tom's?
It was like heaven and earth, because Charles spoke about politics, aids, books and Julia wondered how she could exchange it all for a circle in which Tom was.
3. Was Michael right when criticizing Julie's acting?
I think yes. To my mind, Michael was absolutely right, because Julia lived through her role in the play, she didn’t act like actress should do, but splashed out her real emotions.
4. How did Julie react to her husband's criticism?
At first she was furious, but then understood that he was right.
5. How did the breakup with Tom influence Julie's attitude to Michael and Charles?
Julia began to love them more than before. This woman really appreciated all what they had done for her.
6. Why did Julie decide to spend the summer with her mother and aunt?
Julie decided to spend the summer with her mother and aunt to have a rest and completely cut herself off for a time from her old life.
7. What kind of lifestyle did Aunt Carrie and Mrs Lambert have?
Aunt Carrie and Mrs. Lambert were very devout. They went to Mass every morning and to High Mass on Sundays.
8. How did the old ladies treat Julie? How did they feel about her occupation?
The old ladies treated Julia with cordiality, but thought her profession to be indecent.
9. How did Julie imagine Charles's love for her?
As for Julia, she thought that Charles passionately loved her for 20 years, and that she was the only woman in the world whom he fully loved.
10. When in Paris, what did Julie mean when saying, "I feel like a queen returning from an exile?"
Julia was very happy to feel herself again famous and leading an eventful life.
11. How did Julie slip out from the awkward situation with Charles?
Julia turned it into her own advantage. She said that she was glad that they didn’t spoil their friendship.
12. How did Julie explain to herself the fact that her amorous advances had been declined by Charles?
Julia believed that Charles was impotent and used his devotion to her to distract attention from his real inclinations.

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